
ICEBREAKER ROUND TABLE 2 – Smart Remote Services – Anforderungen / Ideen mit Microsoft

Reflektionen am Bsp. Rolls Royce – Microsoft: Putting IoT in the air Intending to enhance aircraft efficiency, driving up aircraft availability and lower engine maintenance costs using IoT technology. A new world of Rolls-Royce’s service solutions to extend its digital capabilities for supporting existing and next generation intelligent enginesRead more

Stream A I SOLUTION STUDY: Helfen Sie ihrem Kunden bloß nicht zeitnah bei seinen Problemen!

Der Vortrag beleuchtet eine konkrete strategische Situation im Kundenservice bei einem Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer, die der Gründer und Vortragende Markus Große Böckmann in der vergangenen Woche erlebt hat. Seien Sie gespannt und hinterfragen Sie ihre eigene Strategie und ihre Prozesse im Kundenservice. Und bitte merken Sie sich das Motto des Vortrages für ihre eigenes Unternehmen!Read more

CASE STUDY: Mobile Instandhaltung– Der Weg zu einem globalen Rollout einer standardisierten, mobilen Instandhaltungslösung mit integriertem Reporting System bei Brose

Die Hälfte aller größeren Unternehmen benutzt intern eine mobile Instandhaltungslösung mit der erfolgreich gearbeitet wird. Jedoch wird bei der Implementierung und Umsetzung solcher Lösungen meist nur über die Erfolge während und nach dem Roll Out gesprochen. Die Brose Unternehmensgruppe hat auch bei sich eine mobile Instandhaltungslösung ausgerollt und benutzt diese sehr erfolgreich, um ihre ProzesseRead more

Solution Study: How IoT supports the digitisation goals of improved yield and sustainability through the application of AI

A robust and scalable IIoT platform should work as a value-enabling connectivity layer for manufacturers. To extract the most value from data factories already own, IIoT platforms are coupled with AI-driven solutions. Initially, such IIoT systems enable high-resolution monitoring and contextualization of process data and quality data. They solve the problem of harmoniously integrating pre-processedRead more

Digital Stream | Solution Study: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Industrial IoT is helping revolutionize the way factories and warehouses modernize their practices to drive operational efficiencies, enable automated inventory control, enhance safety and security within the facility and save time and money. 5G connectivity is supporting the underlying framework for these modernized factories and warehouses, interconnecting machines, robots, controllers, sensors, and many other devicesRead more

Welcome from we.CONECT and the Conference Chair

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Stream 1 | Case Study : Ubiquitous IoT – The Merging of the Digital and Physical Worlds

Join us for a unique presentation on the merging of the digital and physical worlds through the use of IoT. Using cross industry examples of Industry 4.0, attendees will be brought on a journey of discovery with emerging solutions like edge computing, the Internet of Buildings, Z-axis geolocation, autonomous vehicles and the hydrogen economy. IoT’s fast maturingRead more

STREAM 3 | CASE STUDY: Increasing process efficiency with Low Power Asset Tracking

One of the key challenges with the migration to Industry 4.0 is ensuring that key assets which are part of the manufacturing process are delivered in time to maintain operational efficiencies on the factory floor. Many times misplaced or lost parts can result in inefficiencies as staff waste time searching for parts reducing operational efficiency andRead more

(3) Strategy Café: Looking behind the buzz – how can enterprises find the right digitalisation strategy for their individual needs?

How to asses the market to find solutions that fit and deliver what is needed?  What are possible strategies to secure and/or access the talents neccessary for digital transformation projects?  How to understand the abilities, restrictions, organizational culture, needs and budget of your organisation?  How to keep running – What are possible strategies to implementRead more

(1) CHALLENGE YOUR PEERS: How to realize the sustainable supply chain?

What does „sustainable/sustainablity“ mean for you and your company? What is the current situation and how can the necessary soft skills be developed? What are challenges to realize a sustainable supply chain? How to develop a strategy that fits your enterprises specific needs? How can the overall emissions throughout the supply chain be decreased? How can definedRead more